Corporation Info
Corporation Name:Alternative Power & Energy Corp.
Business Hours:00:00-00:00
Person in Charge:Sales Department
ALTERNATIVE POWER & ENERGY CORP. (APEC), a professional detailed engineering type company, is established by a numbers of engineering groups and experts in the power field.
ALTERNATIVE POWER & ENERGY CORP. supplies a wide range of power protection and energy saving products. With our dynamics engineering team, we are able to provide the most effective,
timely and economic solution for different applications, with either a standard, modified or totally custom-made products.
ALTERNATIVE POWER & ENERGY CORP. specializes in OEM, ODM or private labeling manufacturing, and continuously devotes to design, manufacture and market reliable power equipments.
With our competent and comprehensive consulting, it is our mission to provide our global customers with integrated and one stop shop service for reliable & high quality power equipments.
services: 電力設備
Address:11F., No. 29-1, Lane 169, Kangning St., Sijhih City,